Regulatory Standards & Compliance (RS&C)

The QEC Regulatory Standards and Compliance (RS&C) oversees regulatory compliance matters ensuring adherence to external standards and facilitating processes such as external review visits.

Functions of Regulatory Standards & Compliance:

Compliance to the HEC requirements

RS&C ensures that all requirements of the HEC are met, and compliance is made as per the framework and directives provided. It is also ensured that all policies and guidelines issued by the HEC are adopted by the institution and compliance is accordingly reported.

Accreditation and Compliance

RS&C ensures compliance with the National Accreditation Councils' standards, such as National Business Education Accreditation Council (NBEAC) and the National Computing Education Accreditation Council (NCEAC). Documentation and reports required for accreditation visits are prepared and the reviews are facilitated involving all relevant internal and external stakeholders.

Relationship with External Stakeholders

Excellent working relationships with key external stakeholders and partners are ensured, which helps in the smooth functioning of the department and facilitates mutual cooperation among all concerned. Representation of IBA at all prominent national events is also ensured to stay up-to-date on any changes in regulatory frameworks

Institutional and Program Assessments:

At the institution level, RS&C facilitate the regular self assessment of programs and the institution, as mandated by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan, the Charter Inspection and Evaluation Committee, and the Sindh Higher Education Commission. This process ensures compliance with prescribed criteria and standards, fostering continuous improvement. This comprehensive process is conducted annually and involves a meticulous review of various aspects of the institutional operations, policies, and practices. Additionally, RS&C oversees program reviews as per their scheduled timelines. These reviews assess academic programs against established criteria and standards for continuous improvement. RS&C also coordinates with different departments for corrective actions on deficiencies identified during the assessment activities.

Facilitating in development of new program proposals and HEC NOC:

RS&C provides support to the departments in preparing, updating and ensuring that new programs are in compliance with requirements of the IBA, Higher Education Commission and other regulatory authorities. RS&C also supports in acquiring NOC for starting new MS and PhD programs from HEC.

Services to the alumni and faculty members:

RS&C supports alumni and faculty members in the attestation of their degrees from HEC and assisting faculty members in obtaining equivalence for their foreign degrees.

Maintaining the Institutional Qualification Register & PhD Country Directory:

RS&C updates and maintains all programs offered by IBA on the Pakistan Qualification Register to ensure compliance to the HEC policies and helping in building standardization. Additionally, RS&C helps IBA PhD graduates in updating their data on the PhD HEC country directory.

Maintaining and disseminating institutional data for the external stakeholders:

RS&C maintains and periodically disseminates institutional data of different granularity related to students, infrastructure, educational facilities and other related details, with relevant national regulatory bodies.