Internal Quality Assurance (IQA)
The QEC Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) at IBA ensures the continuous improvement of academic programs across the three IBA schools. IQA takes proactive measures to propel IBA towards excellence.
Functions of Internal Quality Assurance (IQA)
Arranging Quality Dialogues for Improvement
QEC IQA conducts Quality Dialogues involving internal and external experts. Hosting an annual event inviting external QA experts for dialogues offer an exceptional opportunity to learn about best practices in quality assurance and updated teaching methodologies. These Quality Dialogues are unique mechanisms for learning from others, and hence, boosting IBA towards excellence.
Participation in School-wise Orientations:
IQA also participates in the orientation sessions arranged by each school at IBA. Through this initiative students learn about the QEC role, and its importance in improving students’ academic journey.
Students’ Feedback for Improving Academic Standard:
Students’ feedback highlights the strengths and weaknesses of courses, programs and instructors and is utmost important for improving and enhancing the quality of education. Students’ feedback gathered through different mechanisms are shared with the Chairpersons and the Deans for the improvement of students’ academic experiences and quality enhancement at IBA
Course and Faculty Evaluation:
Faculty and courses evaluations are conducted to gather valuable feedback from students that helps improve the quality of teaching and course content. These evaluations help faculty members to reflect on their teaching practices and also guide to amend in the course content including the teaching strategies, aligning learning activities with course objectives, assessment methods and overall course delivery.
Focus Groups:
IQA conducts focus groups to take mid program and end of the program feedback for all programs. In the fall semester, focus groups are conducted for students who have completed their fourth semester (mid of the studies at IBA) and are moving into their fifth semester. In the spring semester, focus groups are conducted for students who have completed their seventh semester and are transitioning into the eight semesters (towards the end of the studies at IBA).
QEC HelpDesk:
QEC Helpdesk system is in place to collect students’ on-going concerns. Students share their academic experiences, challenges, concerns, and feedback with the QEC Helpdesk. Their queries and concerns are analyzed and assessed by the QEC expert and responded to and/or forwarded to the concerned department.
Town Halls:
IQA conducts students’ town hall with all the students to gather their collective feedback. This enhances the visibility of QEC office amongst students and they get familiarize themselves with a platform through which they share and improve their academic experiences at IBA.
Graduating Students’ Survey
IQA conducts surveys with graduating students to learn about their overall academic experiences at IBA. These surveys help IBA management to improve holistically by identifying strengths, addressing gaps, enhancing the quality of education, and refining processes to better address the needs of the current batch of students.
Reporting for Continuous Improvement:
IQA prepares and share timely reports on academic data to internal stakeholders for informed decision making. These reports will comprise analysis of all courses’ exam results, faculty evaluation report, mode of teaching (if used other than face to face teaching), mode of examination and other reports which may have any impact on academic quality at IBA.
Monitor Students’ Progress:
The IQA is also involved analyzing students’ GPA records and monitoring academic performance. QEC will also compare the GPAs across different academic programs to identify variations and potential areas for improvement.
Course Folders Audit:
IQA oversees the organization and maintenance of course folders and digital repositories containing educational materials. Moving forward, the QEC office will also work on course folder audits. This will include assessment/audit of course objectives, and how the assessment methods are aligned with the objectives and helping students achieve the course objectives. This will ensure relevance and accuracy. This activity will be done with sample courses from each school in each semester.